C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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SH (1) BDS C Users' Group SH (1)
sh - a 'little shell' command interpreter
sh sh
The Little Shell is designed to cover the uglier part of
CP/M with a somewhat more pleasant interface. This is
accomplished at a cost. The shell is written in BDS C and
is five times the size of the CP/M CCP. Hence it takes
somewhat longer to load into memory at warm boots. Also,
since the shell clobbers the CCP, submit does not work when
the shell is invoked. Nevertheless, the shell provides
features not otherwise available to CP/M users.
CP/M offers no mechanism for chaining except for the kludgey
and inconvenient submit mechanism. The shell offers two
more desirable techniques. Multiple commands may be typed
on a single command line as follows:
$ command [args...] ; command [args...] ; ...
The commands are executed in sequential order from left to
right as on Unix. The amount of stuff on the command line
is limited to the command buffer size which is defined in
the CBIOS and in the shell source.
Alternatively, files of commands called Shell Scripts may be
used. These files contain multiple command lines to be
executed. The present version of the Shell limits the
length of command files to the size of the command line
The CP/M operating environment does not lend itself to the
use of frequently invoked commands in the form of executable
files. Consequently, the shell has an assortment of
built-in commands. The current list is as follows:
cat file file... - print named files on console
ccp - invoke the CP/M command processor
cd disk - select named CP/M disk
clr - clear the screen
echo [args...] - echo command line arguments
exit - exit from the shell (warm boot)
lock file file... - set named files to readonly
logout - (also ^D) invoke a login program
ls disk - list dir (default is current disk)
pwd - print current CP/M disk
ren file1 file2 - rename file1 to file2
rm file file... - remove named files
sleep n - suspend execution for n seconds
unlock file file... - set named files to readwrite
# - comment (ignore command line)
^\ - quit, like exit for now
SH (1) BDS C Users' Group SH (1)
This program has not been tested by the librarian, due to
lack of time. No bug reports have been received.
A sample shell script follows:
c1 $1.c
l2 $1
if -r $1.crl rm $1.crl
if $2 == -o ren $1.com a.out
Command line argument substitutions occur exactly as on the
V6 Unix shell.
The Unix Programmers Manual Sixth Edition,
Software Tools Programmers Manual,
BD Software C Compiler Manual v1.50
Shell Scripts must be limited to size of the Command line
buffer. Programs cannot return a status. There are not yet
any Shell Variables.
The following hackers' guide was written by the author,
Steve Blasingame.
Getting the shell running...
(This thing runs only on CP/M 2.2)
First hack your CBIOS to include storage for the structure
the shell calls iop. The address in the CBIOS listing of
this structure is the SHBUF define in the Shell source.
This kluge allows us to save data for the shell between warm
boots. The structure of the buffer in the CBIOS is as
bufsiz: equ 1030 ;default in bdscio.h
shdsk: db 0
shsav: dw 0
nocli: db 0
shbuf: ds BUFSIZ
The CBIOS MUST also be modified to check the entry
iop->_nocli at warm boots and zero it at cold boots. When
this flag is low the CCP should be modified at the following
CCP+7 = 02h
CCP+8 = 'S'
CCP+9 = 'H'
SH (1) BDS C Users' Group SH (1)
This modification should occur AFTER the CCP has been loaded
at warmboot. To make matters more complicated, there are
two entrypoints (undocumented) to the CCP. One, CCP+0,
checks the buffer we have just munged and if it contains a
filename, runs the .com file of the same name. Entrypoint
two, CCP+3, zeros the buffer. Hence, if we save a CP/M
image with the buffer modified and our CBIOS uses the first
entrypoint CP/M will attempt to run SH.COM at every bootup
(I have taken advantage of this on my own system, you may
wish to do the same). Whichever method one uses to chain
the shell, the CBIOS must check the iop->_nocli flag before
warmboots and act on the CCP accordingly if the
shell-builtin, CCP is to work.
If you are not an experienced CP/M hacker you should either
get help in installing the shell or not attempt it at all.
Likewise, if your CBIOS is not accessible at source level,
forget it. Be sure to send useful mods and repair jobs
(there are certainly some bugs) to the librarian or to me
USPS Steve Blasingame
4121 Hidden Hill
Norman, OK 73069
Usenet duke!uok!bsteve
As a last resort you can call me at (405) 360-2336 after
ystem, you may
wish to do the sa